In June we learned about minibeasts and summer. We played with sand and water. We went on our school tour to World of Bounce in Portlaw. We had our sports day.
In May we learned about transport. We read stories like ‘Little Yellow Digger’ and ‘The Richest Crocodile in the World’. We sang ‘I like to ride my Bicycle’ and ‘Here comes the Firetruck’. We drew tractors and made hot hair balloon art.
In April we learned about clothes. We talked about clothes we wear in the summer and the winter. We read ‘Aliens Love Underpants’ and designed our own giant underpant designs. We dressed up in different types of clothes. We also learned about light. We used torches to make shadows in the class. We went outside and traced our shadows using chalk.
In March we learned about houses and homes. We built houses with Lego, sticks and straws. We read ‘The House that Jack Built’ and ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’. We drew our homes and talked about our favourite rooms in the house. We had a drumming taster session. We wore odd socks for odd sock day day Alfie won a prize in in raffle. We celebrated St. Patrick’s Day and we did some Easter art with chicks.
In February we learned about animals. We played with jungle animals, sea animals and pond animals. We did some painting for St. Valentine’s day and we made cards. We completed our gymnastics lessons and we visited the library. First class started swimming lessons too and are they are having lots of fun.
In January we learned about people who help us. We read stories like ‘Hugh Shampoo’ and ‘Doctor Fen’. We played in role at the Post Office and the Hairdressers. We pretended to be builders and built houses, fire stations and castles. We celebrated Donagh, Alfie and Julia’s birthdays this month. We also started gymnastics lessons with Waterford Gymnastics Club.
In December we learned about winter and Christmas. We visited the library on Brownes Road and made Christmas cards. We read stories like ‘Santa to the Rescue’ and ‘The Snowman’. We sang Christmas songs and made Christmas crafts.
In November we learned about food. We learned the names of lots of fruits and vegetables and we sorted healthy and unhealthy foods. We read stories like ‘Handa’s Surprise’ and ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’. We played at the supermarket and coffee shop. We took part in some science experiments for science week. We celebrated Theo’s birthday.
October…We learned about the autumn. We went on an autumn walk and found leaves and conkers. We read stories like ‘Rosie’s Walk’ and ‘The Scarecrows Wedding’. We also learned about Halloween. We played bobbing for apples and we dressed up in costumes. We started zumba lessons and we made a Halloween visit to the library where we made trick or treat bags.
September…The Junior Language Class learned about our new school and getting to know one another. We played with sand and water. We read stories like ‘Pete the Cat’. We sang ‘Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’ and ‘The Wheels on the Bus’.